Breaking News

Imtiyaaz Imtiyaaz felicitate with the Chief of Staff to Kogi State

By Our voice Our power
October 15, 2020

While briefing our news men Imtiyaaz Imtiyaaz felicitate with the Chief of Staff to Kogi State Governor Chief Pharm Abdulkareem Asuku MuhammedJamiu as he clocks beautiful and successful 1yr in office.

You are such a rare gem, who have shown much exemplary leadership qualities as you served your boss as Director General Protocol for about 4yrs that yielded you to be promoted or appointed to the position of Chief of Staff. The general public and I are  living witness of all your immense contributions to makes sure the govt of His Excellency Alh Yahaya Bello to reach out to many that are not oppurtuned to get closer to govt from the start till date.

Many but few we can mention are in the fields of human health assistance, sponsoring students on their educational pursuits, facilitating Federal and State jobs for people known and unknown to you, personal assistance rendered in kind and in cash to wayfarer, etc.

Therefore, I hereby prayed to God for His blessings, guidance, guard in health and in long life to accomplish all your life's desires and missions to the peak of life in goodness aameen.

Congratulations once again!

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