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Pharm. Asuku also volunteered to take care of his nutritional needs

By our voice our power

Last month, September 2020, it was brought to the attention of the Chief of Staff to the Kogi State Governor, Pharm. Abdulkareem Asuku Moh’d Jamiu that a 12 years old Israel Friday Adekunle from Eika Adagu, Okehi LGA is experiencing some health challenges. He was having complications that have led to a rupture in his stomach where he now passes excretion.

The condition is known as Peritonitis (leakage or a hole in the intestines) Secondary to Iatrogenic bowel perforation with severe malnutrition.
In his proactive response especially to health matters, Pharm. Asuku asked to meet the boy and he volunteered to take full responsibility for all the financial cost it will take to restore him to his health.

He was referred to Kogi State Specialist Hospital in Lokoja where he was told to undergo two phases of surgery which has been paid for by Pharm. Asuku. He had since successfully done the first phase and was required to have some nutrition, gain some weight before the second phase can proceed.

On this note, Pharm. Asuku also volunteered to take care of his nutritional needs, and all other needs in preparation for the second phase of the surgery. He was provided with colostomy bags, pampers, all kinds of foodstuff, Tissue papers, Plasters, Thermometer, Neogloves, Drugs like Astymin, Zinc tab, Vit. C, and so on. They were given everything they needed and what would be sufficient until he is ready for the next phase.

It is however came as a shock seeing the photos of this same boy making rounds on social media once again. Even more surprising that in the posts put up seeking financial help from the general public for the boy, they have conveniently left out important details such as his medical and nutritional bills have been FULLY PAID. This intentional misleading of the general public is a dent for those who may have a genuine reason to solicit for funds.

It is even sadder to watch the boy who is facing a life-threatening condition being used to what can only be described as extorting the public. It is okay if his guardians want more support, but to conveniently leave out the fact that the surgeries and medicals (in which they are asking for help) have been FULLY paid since last month. It is not only misleading, it is quite unfortunate.

It has become important for us to establish these facts, of which there are documents and hospital records to fully back them up so that the public knows and understands the true situation of things.

It is important to set the record straight for the sake of accountability and transparency, but for posterity's sake. And more importantly, for the sake of those who genuinely need the publics' financial support.

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