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END THE #ENDSARS NOW. By Okikiola Qasim

By Our voice Our power

Forget any platitudes, no single president can fix a battered economy.

Don't expect freebies when you have no contribution to the economy.
The government provided free loan to rice farmers because the demand is higher, we did not plant a stick but you demanded for foreign rice.

Federal government created many intervention, trader's Moni, N- power, increase in corp members allowance, new salary scale for teachers, various farmers loan intervention, covid 19 intervention, and above all, the federal government is not owing any of it's staff but the state and local government are, yet you call for the head of Buhari.

The federal government planned judiciary autonomy, local government autonomy, legislative autonomy, yet the state governments opposed it and took federal government to court, you never cared to call your governments to account.

States and local government are not doing anything to help our situation, the federal government bailed out the stranded workers from years of salaries indebted by the states and local governments, yet you did not bring your state government to account, but you call for the head of Buhari.

I challenge all those who demand for good economic development, reformation of SARS and entire police, reduction in the salaries of legislatives, good road connectivities to make public their tax payments evidences, I bet you, they can never make up to 2% and you want miracle to happen.

You rejoice and say Lord is good when factories were bought and turned into churches and you were asked to pray and fast to get good jobs. Your spiritual leaders buy latest jets and flaunt their wealth, you call that favour from God.

They all rejoice when international sex game took the wave of media, over 400 thousand youths devoted time to watch and voted for free sex winner from Big Brother Naija. Yet you call for the head of Buhari.

You also rejoice when Ogun State government awarded 5 million naira, 3 bedroom flat and appointed the winner as youth ambassador, you never protested against that wastage, yet you want the head of Buhari.

We have forgotten so soon, when we could not sleep with our eyes closed, walk on the street freely, nor stage rally freely without fear that someone would detonate bomb. Home, offices, Mosque/Churches are now save and free from bomb and we sleep peacefully, but yet we want the head of Buhari.

The #EndSARS is a noble call and the demands have been recognised and attended to by federal government, first of its kind, yet you want the head of Buhari.

I joined my voice with many reasonable Nigerians who are not only interested in a  supporting good governance, but also cherish the love for our nation. We must also rise to the occasion and never allow the irresponsibility to take away our responsibility.

We must defend our democracy and teach some people in democracy how to be in opposition. Not to sponsor idle and clueless youths with plates of rice, pizza and some pocket money to destabilize the only country we can call our own.

We must end the #EndSARS now and demand for good governance from judiciary, legislative, state and local government, civil service, public service and private sectors legitimately, not through a sponsored back doors.

I rest my case.

Okikiola Qasim
October 18, 2020

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