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Asuu strike by Professor Ahmed Isah Haruna

by our voice our power

Professor Ahmed Isah Haruna is a university professor in Bauchi state and he has this to say about the ASUU endless strike.

His words were:-
Even in ASUU, this is the worst leadership I have seen in 25 years in the university.

Both government and ASUU are not sincere on university education in Nigeria. I have not seen any intellectualism in the attitude of both government and ASUU. I will touch little things that doesn't make sense; why is ASUU on strike now? It is because of IPPIS and after losing out on that they shifted the goalpost to "revitalization of universities" which is very unrealistic.

Why would a sensible person declare strike during coronavirus global confusion? Where is the much acclaimed knowledge?

This strike was never voted for at individual branches as usual but truncated by the ASUU NEC. It never happened this way before. The IPPIS unveiled an unbelievable number of ghost workers in the university payroll whole the former gifmis payroll that ASUU preferred accommodated all those ghost workers. So the complain about IPPIS is baseless and unfounded.

Why would a professor be allow to visit more than two universities in a month? How would he cover the contact hours and quality delivery to students if he has to visit three, four, five and etc universities? All for money. Who are then killing the university education from within? Why would this malpractice be allow simply because it is ASUU. Respect should be earn through honesty.

What is revitalization? Who will source over N1 trillion naira and throw it to universities for unspecified projects and look the other way? This will never happen. How many universities judiciously utilized the money given by President Goodluck Jonathan for Needs Assessment Projects? Infact you will see better projects in State Universities than federal universities.

Why is ASUU silent about this? Who actually benefits from major projects? University Management and Union officials as supervisors but not lecturers.

TETFUND is doing good in their intervention projects in all universities, so why this revitalization again? Why is ASUU drifting away from sourcing welfare of its members and targeting revitalization? Are they fighting for it's member of the University Management?

As it is now, majority of ASUU member have gone to Abuja and enrolled for the IPPIS because the deception is too much. No government in the history of Nigeria is interested in education, so only sincerity of purpose, honesty and transparency in side of ASUU would defeat them and not stupid pride and propaganda.

If Nigerian Universities are winning research grants and do the research, they would have solve their problems and earn more respect. Does it take new laboratory or office to put up an application for a good research?

If ASUU had being encouraging good research, things would not have being this bad. You cannot help politicians to rig elections and expect them to respect you

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